I'm in love! Chris Richardson is my new favorite American Idol contestant. At least on the guy side. He sounded so good that I actually had to rewind his performance tonight and play it again. And it didn't hurt that he's so easy on the eyes. Is he not just absolutely delicious?! He does have that JT look about him. (That's Justin Timberlake for you uncool people.)
And yes I am a grown woman well over the age of 30. So what! You're never too old to have a crush. Especially on a boy this yummy............
Connie pointed out, I do have a weakness for the young ones. My last steady was 10 years younger than me and just out of college. Seriously. Don't laugh. It's all good as long as they're legal. :)
I missed him singing this evening...the guys are kinda boring this time around. I only like two of them right now.
The curly-haired chubby one and the beatboxer. I can't remember their names...if they make it to the top 12, I'll pay more attention.
I swear I am about to pee. I thought of you because I was thinking what a young thang he is. I was laughing to myself because I kinda like the surfer dude guy...Blake or whatever. The guy that did my Marvin Gaye....cute but he did not make it anywhere near MG level.
The 'steppin' out kid freaked me out...buh'bye to him.
I can see it now...when you are older than old in 50 years you will be giving those young buck orderlies a run for their money.
Yes Connie. I'll request a daily sponge bath from the orderly that looks like this guy. Hee hee!
PS I like Blake too. He's my 2nd fave guy.
Get 'em young and train 'em right!!! He is a hottie!
You are so funny! I guess I am going to have to watch AI to see what you and Connie are drooling about. :)
Daily sponge bath made me laugh outloud!! LOL
Connie and the Pee thing...she makes me so silly!!!
I missed last night but it is DVR'd and will watch tonite before the girls. I am also a Chris fan and Blake...the rest can go home. (Brandon is a cutie...)
My favorites are Chris followed closely by Blake and then the chubby guy with curly hair.. I cannot for the life of me think of his name but I like him because he is so different. I about flipped when I saw how cute his wife was. Just goes to show you... never judge a book by it's cover.
I sure hope Sinjaya goes home this week. I don't think he is even the least bit comparable to all of the others. Not sure who else I would kick off.
I laughed too about the sponge bath thing. I can see it now, if they refuse, you'll have them cuffed to the nearest bed rail and be giving them a thorough interegation likity split. :-)
The guys were MUCH better and Chris did a bang up job. Def JT vibe going on!
Keep smilin!
Oh yes! He was so good last night - and definitely not hard on the eyes. I love the song "Geek in the Pink" and he did a great job.
You two would look so cute together!
I like Blake and the other Chris (the fuzzy-haired guy.) But I'm thinking it's going to be the girls' year this time...
My girls and I are watching for the first time....some how we got sucked in but hey it is good clean fun, and there is not a lot of that on TV these days. I kind of like the beat boxer guy....and not just because he is from Seattle;).
Oh Krista, that is hillarious!!!
Lasso that boy! He's a hottie and that smile is to die for - all sneaky and cute!
Before B I was all about the younger man. I think it's because we are Alpha Females and like to be in charge.
LOL!!! I'm glad you explained the JT thing... I had no clue!!! Unfortunately, I'm uncool!!!
Hmmm... you better watch yourself, lady, you'll have one of your work mates bookin ya!!!
Perhaps I should start watching AI...mmmmm
so now we know you only watch it for the eye candy!
Hallelujah for all the girls loving on younger men!! =)
My last 2 boyfriends have both been 4 years younger than I am...which is rather creepy seeing as how I'm turning 23 soon.....
oh well. =)
I think the guys are way better than the girls. There are 2 girls that are really good- but I prefer the energy of the guys.
I'm just impressed you know their names! I can't remember any names!
My next husband is going to be REALLY young! I tell my old man that all the time!
Too funny!!! Go get 'em, Krista!!!
OMG! He lives a couple of miles away from me!! He work(ed) in the Hooters across the street from where my niece & nephew were born! In fact, one of the teachers I work with is a good friend. She says she and his friends never even knew he could sing! Too funny!
His fame might do more for this area than Joe Millionaire did (even though he was cuter IMO!)
Hey- I'm all about a crush on a young dude- not a thing wrong with that! I've got a bit of a crush on Phil from Idol. And you're right, he does have a bit of a JT thang goin!
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