So who needs a husband when you have the most awesome next door neighbor in the whole wide world?!!

They're a young couple with an elementary school aged son and toddler daughter. They doggy sit Griffey when I go away, bring me cookies at Christmas time, and the husband does little odd jobs around my house when I need help. This is the SECOND time this winter that he's shoveled without me even asking! I heard some noise outside, opened the door and there he was. They have their house listed for sale but I secretly hope (for very selfish reasons) that it doesn't and they decide to stay. I'm going to be very sad if they leave.
That is a very nice neighbour.
Stay warm and drive safe.
Keep smilin!
What a sweetheart!
No Jeremy round my parts :oP
That is wonderful. Our neighbor used his snow blower to clean our driveway this evening. Very much appreciated.
Those are some nice neighbours (Canadian spelling) you have there. I am with you on the not wanting their house to sell!
Maybe he shovelled for selfish reason? Maybe he thought it would improve the look of your house, hence encouraging a buyer for his house?!!!
Its great to have awesome neighbours!!! We do. Cept mine's called Rick.
What a peach. Thank him for me - for being so kind to my longdistance bud, Krista. What a sweetheart.
Nice guy! My neighbors are two spinster sisters who will come knocking around noon to tell me that B needs to shovel. Right. Now!
My neighbours have never shovelled snow for us....oh we don't have snow!
You could always keep hiding their for sale sign! It won't keep the realtors at bay but it will stop the lookers!
It's the simple things that really matter, isn't it? What a fantastic, thoughtful neighbor!
Stay warm!
Nice neighbors rock. We have a mother and daughter who live side by side a couple doors down from us. They showed up the other night to meet our new puppy and came with toys for both dogs. That's the second time they came with gifts for the pups, and we hardly know them! So nice.
You are a lucky girl, no doubt about it!
Who needs a husband with neighbors like that? Of course, I have a husband and still shovelled my own sidewalks!
Must be nice! Can he come my way, I have a few chores that DH won't (can't) do. By the way, you have been tagged. Go to my blog to see your tag!
Wow - what a sweet thing to do! I hope they don't move for your sake!
What a great neighbour to have!! I wonder if they would like to move next to me!!
Look at that snow, boy am I jealous. Good neighbours are always great!!
Do you remember the episode of the Brady Bunch when Mom and Dad wanted to move but the kids didn't? The kids came up with all sorts of contraptions when people would come look at the house.
Hint, hint...
Good neighbors are a blessing!
Wow! He's a prince! Good neighbors are hard to find.
WOW...very cool neighboor and friend!
What awesome neighbors!
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