Connie and I both have birthdays this month so we decided to get together on Saturday February 17th to celebrate. We were just going to do our usual hang out thing but then decided that there are so many other blogger adopter gals near-by that we should see if anyone else wants to join us. So if you're near southern Ohio and are free then come look us up. Seriously. Just e-mail me or Connie for the details.
Disclaimer: This is not an open invitation to all the freaks and pervs out there. You must be a legitimate, verifiable person that we are familiar with. I will be conducting background checks prior to your approval. :)
And if you local gals can't make it, we'll definitely schedule some more get togethers in the future. There are at least 5 or 6 of us that live within an hour of each other. It's really about time to meet in real life, dontcha think?
I SO wish I lived closer then 8 hours away...
Have a GREAT time!!
I left a comment on Connie's blog already....I would love to join you, but a 23 hour drive just doesnt sound too exciting right now in the winter!! It sucks being so far away from you gals!!!
So when are the birthdays...please share!!
Damn it! If it wasn't for your disclaimer, I'd be there with my bells on...
I am only 4 1/2 away, but can't make it! Dang! We must plan something soon, I would love to hang out with you guys even though I am a freaky perv...
We should make plans for the spring, though.
Girl, Im gonna get you for outing my b-day!!!
We can have fun celebrating yours - whippersnapper ;0)
so,i was thinking.
You got friends and i got friends with badges - why don't we set up a little op where i can be "momnapped" for this fabulous celebration.
I need the female bonding and the sugary, albeit stiff drinks - just think about it - my bags are already packed and waiting by the door ;)
Ahh- guess I'll have to enjoy the party virtually. Be sure to post all the details!
I said to Connie...I so wish I lived closer!!
damn. i am seriously bummed that i live in California. and that's not a sentiment i experience often!
also, as a freak AND a perv, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't pass muster.
have a great time!!!
I sooo wish I lived in southern Ohio - at least now! Happy Birthday to both of you!
If only it wasn't a 10 hr flight! ;0
I hope you have a WONDERFUL time celebrating Birthday's and impending mommyhood!!!!
I'm in NC but I share your birthday month! Happy Birthday!
Oh I KNEW I liked you both! Fellow february birthday girls....mine is the 10th (tomorrow!) When are yours?
I hope you gals have a blast! Wish I could be there!
I really wish I lived closer, but being the freaky perv that I am, I guess I'd be out anyway.
I'm not only too far away, I'm a freak AND a perv... :(
BTW - I left a comment on Connie's blog too stating the obvious, and wishing I could be there to corrupt you even further...
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