According to the Weather Channel, it's currently 0 degrees here. That's right... I said Z-E-R-O! No wind chill temp cuz the winds are "calm". I have a mudroom off my back door. It's about the size of a closet and really doesn't get any heat. All the bottled water, pop, and Lipton diet iced tea I stored out there is now frozen. That can't be good. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow or Weds. Oh joy.
I was bored tonight so I watched High Fidelity on TV. I have a major crush on John Cusack. He's dreamy. Just how many movies have he and his older sis, Joan, been in together? Remember when they were both nerds in Sixteen Candles? Joan wore the neck brace and John hung out with the geeky main character played by Anthony Michael Hall. Ahhh.. the 80's. Good times.
It's a very clear night. Not a cloud in the sky. I can see the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. I love star gazing. Unfortunately, those are the only constellations that I know. I always wished I could be one of those cool people who can point up to the sky, name a constellation and then tell the story behind it. But alas, I don't have the attention span.
Speaking of attention spans, mine's pretty much all over the place tonight. Maybe my brain is frozen. Nite y'all. :)
I was bored tonight so I watched High Fidelity on TV. I have a major crush on John Cusack. He's dreamy. Just how many movies have he and his older sis, Joan, been in together? Remember when they were both nerds in Sixteen Candles? Joan wore the neck brace and John hung out with the geeky main character played by Anthony Michael Hall. Ahhh.. the 80's. Good times.
It's a very clear night. Not a cloud in the sky. I can see the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. I love star gazing. Unfortunately, those are the only constellations that I know. I always wished I could be one of those cool people who can point up to the sky, name a constellation and then tell the story behind it. But alas, I don't have the attention span.
Speaking of attention spans, mine's pretty much all over the place tonight. Maybe my brain is frozen. Nite y'all. :)
I hear you on the cold front!!! My nostrils freeze together when I go outside - that's cole!!
BRRRRR - the furnace just keeps going and going and going...
Cold here too! We might get Snow tomorrow night! YAY!!!!
I am soo ready for spring!! It's been cold and more snow again tonight.
Good goddess, woman...that looks like one of my rambling posts ;0)
Freezing the arse off just a wee south of ya too ;0) Remind me, now, why I bought a house with suck-o electric heat!
"Say Anything" (one of my faves)
"Grosse Pointe Blank"
Stay warm.
Just reading your post and off to the right is a little penguin dude swaying around. One would think he'd be in his element at your place at the moment?!!
Huge Cusack fan here. Loved Joan in 16 Candles - the part of her at the dance/waterfountain cracks me up everytime. They were both in Say Anything, too. Played bro/sis.
I feel your pain as far as the cold goes. It's supposed to rocket up to 20 here today...heat wave! I LOVE John Cusack and Joan. High Fidelity is one of my favorites!
We are not that far from you, and the same cold front has slapped us silly. The flannel sheets are out!
My favorite Cusack family effort is Grosse Point Blank. Not only does it have Joan and John, it has Jeremy Piven - my current crush!
The cold will do that to you!
I love John Cusack also. He`s dreamy!
Keep smilin!
Yup...feeling the chill with you. Spent the weekend with Julie and Tess. It was a frigid -33oF all weekend!!! BRRRRRRRR!!!!!! We did some shoppy and little Tess absolutely loved the cold! Doesn't she realize she's a southern Guongdong girl?
Gotta run and grab an extra blanket.
Snow isn't fun but at least it means it's a little warmer.
Stay warm! Can't quite grasp how cold zero is.
I loved 16 Candles!
Ohh 16 candles is one of my fav's!! WOW...now I need to watch it again....LONG DUCK DONG...lol!!
Anyways, I too love to look at the stars....I always wonder if Channing is looking at them too..hmm!!
Anyways, tough out the cold, we are still in the -20's but I just keep thinking summer is around the corner!!
Oh boy, it is cold up there! Try to stay warm!
John Cusack is yummy! LOL!
John Cusack...mmmmmmmm.
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