This is why I spent 4 HOURS shoveling snow yesterday and can barely walk today. My sweet retired neighbors (on the other side of me who are also wonderful and who also sadly have their house listed for sale) finally took pity and let me borrow their snowblower. I think they got tired of hearing me outside their dining room window grunting and groaning. There was no way I was getting the whole thing done so I just made myself some tracks. I mean c'mon... look how long that freakin' driveway is! I had to make sure I got all the way to the pavement near the bottom cuz my driveway is on an incline. If I don't get traction when I first pull in I'm screwed. Unfortunately, my street is so narrow that the big snow plow trucks can't get down it. Which explains why I hear my neighbor out front spinning his tires right now. I did manage to get to work and back home today. So that was good.

Today also marks the 1 year anniversary of the day that I accepted the open single's spot with my adoption agency. This is the day that I officially started my journey to Mia. It's crazy how much your life can change in a year. Let's hope that next year when I type this, Mia is playing quietly on the floor right next to me and I've hired some big, handsome, strapping young man to shovel this crap.
...and you will give your friends the name of the agency you used to find this strapping young man...:)
Now, I'm no genius, but if you're driveway is that long, and you have to shovel all that snow - why don't you park closer to the road? No one will steal your car - they won't have the time or energy to shovel the snow!!!
Don't forget to post pics of said strapping young man!
Thanks so much for you comment on my last post. I'm reading blogs to keep my mind off what's going on here.
I don't believe in shoveling other than creating a single path of safe egress. I consider it wasted energy. Of course, I have a flat driveway and get in the house through the garage. Spoils me, it does.
Looks like we're in for more on Saturday. Oh joy.
Hear hear! I look forward to thos pics. But don't use the ruler on the young guy..might give him a complex.
Happy 1 year!
Keep smilin!
.... or even better, no need to hire the big handsome strapping man to shovel snow, because he's doing it voluntarily out of total devotion to you. :-)
Wow! That's a bunch of snow! Fantastic neighbors are the best.
Stay warm.
I'm impressed that you managed to shovel all that! I don't think I could.
You go your paperchase done in record time, didn't you? I had no idea!
got you paperchase done...
Thinking along the same lines as Doris...I wonder how many 'interesting searches' you're going to get with that post title.
Thats one LONG driveway - I don't blame you for only making tire tracks!!
I will be waiting for the picture too!!
Wow, I bet you slept well last night after all that exertion! I'm sure you're counting the days until spring, like we are!
Mom said...You could have had my experience. First of all I had to drive a tractor trailer in this s*** and then...I get home to find they have plowed the lot where my car is and there is snow up to the TOP of my spare tire on the back of my little SUV. I go in to the garage and tell the mechanics I can't get my car out and they HAND ME A SHOVEL!!! Seems the consensus of opinion is that if I am an independent female who can drive a big truck I should be independent enough to dig out my own car!!! So I dug it out and used a 10 lb bag of kitty litter under my wheels to back out!!! So much for INDEPENDENCE!!!!
I now hate shoveliing. This freakin ice that came down made the snow like cement. We have been popping ibuprofen like candy because of how pathetically sore the shoveling made us.
Oh dear, that's a lot of snow to shovel. Poor you!
Please pass on the name and number of this strapping young lad!!!!!
Great job shoveling. Be careful, we don't want to find you passed out in your driveway from over exerting yourself. Believe me, you don't want this to happen for many reasons - the main one being that your body heat will melt the snow and it will look like you peed on yourself!
No really, be careful out there shoveling! And don't work too hard!
Krista, that is BRUTAL, we have had a ton of snow this year, I don't know what the heck is going on out there! But, I have to say that takes the prize! Good for you for even attempting to shovel that honkin driveway girl!
I am sure Miss Mia will be playing with you this time next year but just in case she isn't in the mood to play perhaps the strapping young hunk would like to play on the floor!
that's the one thing I DON'T miss about snow - shoveling............and driving in it.
OMG that is a lot of snow! So hard to believe that just 3 years ago we were your neighbors just a bit to your north. In TX we don't see the white stuff like that. Keep warm and be safe.
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