Yesterday was not a total waste. I did get quite a bit of painting done in my bedroom. Although now I have a serious paint fume headache. Maybe not a good idea to paint when you have to leave the windows closed. And it's becoming clear to me that I'm going to run out of paint. The entire room is going to need a second coat. What a b*tch that is!

Just look how long that wall is. It really sucks doing this by yourself. That's why it'll probably be several more days before it's completed. Plus I have to figure out a way to get all the really heavy furniture away from the walls. The color is nice. It's actually a raspberry, though it looks red in the pics. Going to be a dramatic difference in that room after 10 years of the same. It's definitely time for a change.

I took a break in the evening to celebrate my birthday. Yes this is a pitiful attempt at a birthday cake. It's one of those frozen diet jobs but it was still tasty. I'm sure you can all figure out what I wished for. :)

So here's the storm aftermath. I actually had to push snow away from the door to get it to open. And I have a huge front porch with a roof over it! So you can see how bad the wind was blowing to have snow this far up.

Remember the bumps that were decorative lights in yesterday's pic. Completely buried today. As you can see, I made no attempt to shovel yesterday. I'm sure I'll regret that when I'm out there all day trying to dig out. Yep... I took another vacation day from work. Hey, even the news guy said not to drive unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary. He said it was dangerous. So I heeded his warnings and stayed home again today. Hee hee.

Poor Griffey. He's not a happy camper. That's my fountain back there covered for the winter. There's also decorative lights around that thing that stick up at least 8 inches. But where are they? So for a little dog to go outside in that mess to "do his business" was not working so well. He was completely buried up to his belly which means his little .... well you get the idea. Last night it sleeted which created a nice crunchy top to all the snow this morning. So today he was able to walk gingerly across it and stay on top. Every now and then he'd break through and get stuck and have to pull himself out. Poor little guy. I wasn't cruel enough to photograph it for your amusement. But it was kind of funny....

So I'll be spending my valentine's day digging out and doing some more painting. That's the life of a single independent woman, I guess.
That birthday cake looks YUMMY!
The walls will look beautiful! Try to get for fresh air when you can! Hope Griffey has a coat!
Krista - You certainly got your paint on. Nice that you could have both your BDay and Valentines day off - even if you can't get anywhere....
Enjoy your day. XO
Snow much? Yeessh!
Love the colour.
Enjoy being snowbound.
Happy Heart Day!
Keep smilin!
Good for you taking another vacation day. The snow is pretty even if it is a pain. Can't wait to see the finished product of your paint job!
Nice job on the painting - that is one thing I HATE to do...
I can now relate to the snow dumping...we got a mound last night and today.
Great birthday cake!
Hope you enjoyed your day.
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day! Love the pink!
Wow, you acomplished a lot of painting. I hate those paint fume headaches.
I am glad you had a good day.
Happy Valentines Day to you, enjoy that snow!!!
The walls look GREAT!!
Poor Griffey. It is tough being little. :)
Poor Griff...but, hey, I want the PICS!
The color of your walls look perfect for V-Day. My VD turned out lovely. Wait, that looks V-Day (that's better).
Sorry to have missed ya...worked a little, thought I'd be working more but had surprise playtime instead. I took some pics of my trees. Quite awtsy fawtsy I think ;0)
Girl, we are definitely getting you a REAL cake! Diet be dammo-ed on Saturday. I think I'm going to have to break down and just buy indoor exercise stuff. No way I've been able to get out in this and it's showing fast! Grr.
Poor Griff!! Hopefully he got his bid-ness done without drowning in the snow.
The walls look cute and I'm sure it will all come together sooner than you think.
Your diet cake looks fantastic!
Poor Griffey...
Happy Eight! Moving forward... a very good thing.
Happy VDay to you... loving the color! I have something similar in my study, darker, but similar... it's one of my favorite rooms in the house...
Enjoy your "snow" days as best you can!
I feel for poor Griffey - I mean Kelsey does!! He only has the driveway to do his "business" as the yard is full of snow - 3 feet deep - he'd have to climb a bank to get on top of it and maybe fall through when he got there! Anyway, get some fresh air and show us the finished product when you get there!
Aw poor Griffey. I feel so bad for the dogs when they have to go outside in this. Bad enough we do.
Looks like you are taking after Connie with the projects...
Cake looks good even if it is diet!
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