Optimistic (or delusional depends on how you phrase it) = I'm halfway there.
Not Optimistic = The CCAA sends out referrals once a month. They've only been batching roughly 2 weeks worth of LID's each month. Which means it takes 2 months to get through 1 month of LID's (log in dates). So in this math equation, I need to take the number of months logged in before me (which is 8 since they're up to Oct 13, 2005 right now) and multiply that by 2. Which is 16 months. That's 16 MORE months of me waiting.
Yeah that theory sucks.
Yeah.. that second theory does suck doesn't it!! Unfortunately, it looks like that's going to be the case. It'll be summer of 2008 by then. Holy Toledo!
Well... Happy 8 months anyway and Happy Valentines Day too!
Happy 8!!
It won't be 16 more... Maybe 10 or 11, but not 16. Power of positive thinking!! :)
Congratulations on notching another month on your belt. No way will it be 16 months...I'm hoping less than a year for you!
Happy 8 Month LID-iversary!
Hoping things change for the better...sigh
Keep smilin!
Happy 8 months down. No offense but I don't agree with your theory. Things have got to speed up soon! I know they won't for me but I think they will for you. Fingers crossed :)
Happy 8!! I really hope - for all of us - that you are up to, if not passed, the halfway point!!
I chose to stick with the positive outlook - at least today - it kinda changes daily!!
Happy 8 month LIDiversary!
Congrats and hang in there girl!!
..and the truth will likely be somewhere in the middle of those two.
Congrats on 8 down!
Congrats on making it 8 months! I like the optimistic theory - I'd stick with that one!
Happy #8! I don't know which theory we should put our money on these days. So, I'm just detaching pretty much. Sigh...
Happy Number 8. I personally like your delusional take on things but thats how I live my life. Hubby calls in life in DawnWorld...it's a happy place!
Happy 8th! I hope the delusional theory is closer to the right one for you, Krista! Did you get the email I sent?
Happy 8th! I hope the delusional theory is closer to the right one for you, Krista! Did you get the email I sent?
Happy #8 Krista.....I do think your theory is pretty accurate...my fingers & toes are crossed for you!!!
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