Anyway, I think I may be the only person on the planet who doesn't have one of these I-Pod thingies. I've been tossing the idea around. It'd be nice to have for my walks and for the gym (uh yeah... when I go back to that place, I mean). It'd be a way to entertain myself on that long plane ride to China, too. I'd just get one that plays music. I can't see myself every needing to watch a movie so bad that I'd be willing to stare at a 2 inch screen to do it. But then I have to decide the size, right? How many songs I want it to hold. My birthday is next month so maybe this will be my present to me. And I'd have to get the hot pink one....of course!
So what do you guys think? For those that own one, is it worth it? Any opinions or advice I need to know before I whip out the credit card? Do you think it'd be wise to buy one on E-bay? Can ya help a mechanically deficient sista out here?
sadly... I'm right there with ya!!! Don't own any of those sorts of things!!! As it is I only learned how to send a text message a coupe of months ago... hehe.. I can only handle one new technology at a time!!
I don't own one, but my daughter does.
I know nothing about it. She loads her songs.
I too, thank god for Connie!
I have a black nano (had the big one too given as a gift...it's TOO big). The nano is GREAT. I would not want to be without it for exercise, mowing the lawn in the summer (pre-baby), I listen to loads of audiobooks on it too.
I seriously would not exercise if it weren't for my nano. I know this about myself.
Pink on, GF :0)
I have the shuffle. Work bonus for the whole company...miracle of miracles!!
I love it. I use it a lot. At the cottage. Waiting at the doctors office. It is handy.
Go for it!!!
I too am indebted to Connie for her techno abilities.
Keep smilin!
Love my Ipod!! I have the mini(hot pink) and love it.
Get It! You will love it! I have the one with the two inch screen, and actually it isn't as small as I thought it would be. I do enjoy an escape every now and then. I have some Monk tv show downloaded onto it. It is fun.
Ryan just bought the new one that is about the size of a match book. It holds a TON of songs, and he really likes it when he runs. It is cool you can't even tell that he had it on a lot of times because it is so small. He just clips it to his shorts.
You won't be sorry with which ever one you get. Enjoy!
Get It! You will love it! I have the one with the two inch screen, and actually it isn't as small as I thought it would be. I do enjoy an escape every now and then. I have some Monk tv show downloaded onto it. It is fun.
Ryan just bought the new one that is about the size of a match book. It holds a TON of songs, and he really likes it when he runs. It is cool you can't even tell that he had it on a lot of times because it is so small. He just clips it to his shorts.
You won't be sorry with which ever one you get. Enjoy!
Get It! You will love it! I have the one with the two inch screen, and actually it isn't as small as I thought it would be. I do enjoy an escape every now and then. I have some Monk tv show downloaded onto it. It is fun.
Ryan just bought the new one that is about the size of a match book. It holds a TON of songs, and he really likes it when he runs. It is cool you can't even tell that he had it on a lot of times because it is so small. He just clips it to his shorts.
You won't be sorry with which ever one you get. Enjoy!
Get It! You will love it! I have the one with the two inch screen, and actually it isn't as small as I thought it would be. I do enjoy an escape every now and then. I have some Monk tv show downloaded onto it. It is fun.
Ryan just bought the new one that is about the size of a match book. It holds a TON of songs, and he really likes it when he runs. It is cool you can't even tell that he had it on a lot of times because it is so small. He just clips it to his shorts.
You won't be sorry with which ever one you get. Enjoy!
I dont have one and dont want one...lol. I am a computer junkie but have no desire for an i-pod
Good luck
I have an MP3 player, not an ipod. I love my MP3 player though.
It is great for flying and exercising. Get at least 1 GB (I think all the ipods are larger then that anyway) and you should be good to go.
They really are simple to load and change the music once you have the music on your computer.
I don't have one (I have the Shuffle) but all my students seem to have one and they like it a great deal. It's so funny that my students can afford the techno things their teacher can't. Sign of the times??
You so need a nano/ipod! They are so great. Keep us updated. (Yeah, I'm still living through others retail therapy!)
I have the Shuffle and love the small size that just clips on!
I love my Nano! It holds 1000 songs, but I haven't put that many on it yet. I also have the iHome which allows me to play it through larger speakers. I use it more in the house now than I ever did at the gym. You'll love yours, too.
I love my Nano! It holds 1000 songs, but I haven't put that many on it yet. I also have the iHome which allows me to play it through larger speakers. I use it more in the house now than I ever did at the gym. You'll love yours, too.
Nope I don't have on either. My niece and nephew do though and have gracefully offered to loan me for my China trip. I don't know if I would use it alot (my own) and actually my phone can act like one but I haven't even figured that out yet! But I did buy the chip for it.
I am the same as you, and I have been thinking of getting one too! Although when do I ever get to put those things in my ear and tune everyone out? Hmmm NEVER! I like the red one that they had on Oprah cause of the charity thing, but I was looking on e-bay at them too! I say, GO! It will be great for china also!
Love my IPod, babe. It is the video one - but I do not look at videos. Love all the memory, though.
Ok, DO NOT buy one on eBay. Get one through Apple (they donate to Upromise) and buy the extended warranty. We LOVE ours. Well, we love CSP's. It will totally change your life. No more flipping through or carrying cds around. I'm dying for one of my own!
Go for it! I must admit that I use mine more for listening to podcasts than music. There are so many great, interesting, informative, funny and useful podcasts out there.
I also probably use my iPod more in the car than anywhere else. I only have a radio in my car, so I plug the iPod in through the system and I have access to all my music and podcasts when I'm driving.
I just got one for Christmas and really wasn't all that sure of it. My teenage neighbor got it all set up for me thru itunes and it is the easiest thing ever to use! I love, LOVE, L.O.V.E. it. It is a handy fun gadget. Mine is the hot pink nano. It holds more songs than I even know to download. But everything is an accessory to go with it. The hard case, the jogging case, the plug in for the truck and boat....it's a pricey little gadget. I want the Ipod home to go with it, another piece of pricey equipment to go with it.
I love though and love to listen to it while I vacuum! I say, go for it! My b-day is coming up as well.
O.K girlfriend - you're not the only one without one....... nope don't have one either! I couldn't function without my laptop though!!!
( 3 more sleeps)
Forgot to mention - you can go ahead and add me to your blogroll. I put you on mine :-)
Your techno deficient sis doesn't have one either.
I don't have one, but I struggle with the difference between an IPOD, mp3 player and the little things you see people with.
Can't wait to hear about yours, you can teach me a think or two!
I love my IPod, although I don't use it as much as I thought I would. Mainly when I go walking over my lunch hour. But it's fantastic for that!
I had one and I gave it away! it was just a shuffle though. You will appreciate it when you go to china and can listen to your own choice of music.
I may consider getting one before we go .....whenever that is....
I just got a Zune for Christmas (the Microsoft version of the I-Pod video, Hubby works at MS:) I love it!!! I use it all the time! I even download podcasts and listen to those!!! I would say go for it!
I just bought a cheapy mp3. My only advice is to see how long the battery life is...mine is something wimpy like 3 hours, and even though I have rechargeables, it is still a pain!
I just ordered one on Ebay Express,it's not an Apple, it's a generic version, but it also holds PICTURES!!!!, which you might find useful when you want to show everyone in the office all the cute things Mia is doing!!!! Look on Ebay Express or call me on Saturday when I get home to look at mine. It's PURPLE of course!!!
Can't help you--I also don't own an ipod!
Thanks for the birthday wishes:)
GET ONE GET ONE!!!! I got a Nano (the one that holds 500 songs) last April. Used it when I worked out mostly, and flew on vacation. (great for the planes!) I also bought the "upgrade plan" so last week - I actually went to Best Buy and got the newer Nano that holds 1,000 songs - for no additional money as it was the same price as the one I got in April.
I think it is great for trips - and will be great for China. Jin got me the Bose docking station for Xmas and now I blast that thing thru the whole house. You need one.
Cullen got one for Christmas. He loves it!!! He uses it on the 1:20 bus ride every morning. His is by Disney so it's kid-friendly (they are on clearance at Target right now for $25!!!). It can use music chips or you can download to it on the computer.
I have the red Nano and it is awesome! I love my IPod!
Can't live without mine. I have even put some Disney songs on there for my L so when she is driving me crazy in a store or the car I just hand it over to her and she is in a zone. We are thinking of getting her one b/f the China trip.
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