As of today my dossier has been logged in for 7 whole months! No one except the CCAA knows how long I'll have to wait to meet my daughter. Well, at least I'm 7 months closer to my girl, right? And every day that passes is another step in the right direction. I'll wait as long as it takes. But I won't always be happy about it. :)
I feel the same I can not be expected to like the wait! Happy 7th lid ours is on Tuesday! Have a treat and celebrate.....eat 7 cookies!
Happy lucky 7!!!
Happy #7!
Happy 7 Month LID-iversary! That is exactly my mantra..day by day, closer and closer.
Keep smilin!
Congrats on seven down...I hear ya about the wait!
On the fly right now but I'll shoot off an email to you in the morn (mwah!) ;0)
My hairdresser says to me the other day - How could you wait so long. I'm surprised you did. What the heck did she expect me to do - PULL OUT!!
Happy 7 months hun - its another milestone in the right direction :-)
(14 more sleeps)
Congrats on reaching #7 and keeping your sanity...sometimes I wonder if I will..
Happy 7th!!
yay! you go, can't wait till I get to the number 7!
Every month down is a big deal. It's so cool that you have those awesome gifts to look forward to each month. That must help.
Keep your sanity and stay focused on your day-to-day life as much as possible. Sitting at the computer for twelve-plus months made me a basket case. I do NOT recommend that.
Seven months is big....very big! Congratulations.
CONGRATS AND HAPPY MONTHAVERSARY!!! It seems like just y'day you were celebrating 6 months! I guess the time is flying for me, which is good, because I'm not even 1 month down yet!!!
I say scratch the seven cookies - make 'em martini's!!!!!
Congrats on 7 months!!! What a GOOD POSITIVE attitude you have!!!!!
Happy 7! (lucky 7). I think you are closer than you are farther away at this point. :)
Happy 7 month LID Krista!!!
Happy 7 month LIDiversary friend! 7 months closer to Mia...7 months closer to Mia! Yeah!!!
I really hope you've reached that halfway mark in your wait...wouldn't that be fantastic!
LOVE the Golden 7, Krista. That is perfect. Nice & shiny!
Those are 7 months you'll never have to repeat! Yippee!!!
Happy number 7 to you Krista!
Happy 7 months! We just celebrated ours too. I hope it is our half way mark. Only time will tell.
Happy 7! I feel bad for you. That wait sucks! We only had to wait 7 months for our referral and I was stressed the last month of it. Wish I could speed things up for you. HUG!
Yeah for 7!!!!! I think an award sounds perfect!!!!
Happy big fat number 7. That has to be the half way point if not further.
Thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving such nice comments, you must have been confused. LOL
I feel "caught in the act" cos I've been lurking here for ages! Love your blog, loads!
You certainly deserve a golden 7 award for wading through this rotten wait! Keep strong! =)
Happy 7 months down Krista!
Congrats on your seven month LIDiversary!!
Happy 7 Months!!!
Happy 7 months.. would love to say we are half way there but honestly.. I'm praying we are at least 1/3 of the way there. :-)
Happy 7th!! Glad you are keeping a positive outlook. I feel for you. Use all your spare time and alone time wisely, trust me, after she gets here, there won't be any of either!! lol We all know it's all worth it though!! Thinking of you a lot and hoping your wait isn't TOO much longer!!
Love ya
Happy 7th Month! Please, Please let the time left be less than how far you have come. Great Attitude, Krista.
Happy 7th! 7 is a very lucky number, so i'm guessing good things are coming to you this month. :-)
Sorry I'm late on this....but happy happy 7 months down!
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