I was told by an experienced mom, Amy from Ruby In Her Own Time, (but sorry... they're password protected now) to have multiples and to rotate them. If you keep an extra in case the original gets lost, it doesn't work. Cuz you can't give your kid a brand new one when she knows all the spots and stains and wear marks on her favorite. She won't be fooled. So rotate them around so they all wear evenly. Of course, you have to be sneaky about it. Slip it out from under her arm at naptime or maybe try the "Hey what's that over there?" and pull a switcheroo when she looks away. And never let on that there is actually more than one.
Percy #4 went to Massachusetts to live with Ruby on her 2nd birthday. So now there is only Percy #1 thru 3 sitting on that shelf patiently waiting for Mia. And they said they'll wait as long as it takes.
PS. Thanks for all the advice. I'll be purchasing the hot pink 4GB Ipod for myself as a birthday present next month. I'm making myself wait cuz I spent a bit too much money in January. I found some Pottery Barn baskets on sale that I was planning to buy for a bookcase that will be in Mia's room. Since they were on sale I went ahead and got them now even though I don't plan to start that project until March. I'm re-doing my bedroom in February and found a chair and trunk on sale at Pier-One so I bought that, too. This was all money that was budgeted for these projects but I just bought them early since they were on sale. Hey, I saved a bunch of money that way! I love being a savvy shopper! Happy Friday my friends!
Those penguins are so cute!!!
Have fun with your new iPod!
You m'dear exercise great budget control. I need lessons!
You'll love the little iPod :0)
Those penguins are super cute and look very snuggly.
Keep smilin!
Mia will look absolutely adorable toddling around with Percy #1 (or 2....or 3) under her arm. Your idea of having more than one is a great suggestion. Gonna keep that one in mind.
Cute fav photo!
Yes, you have too have a back up in the snuggly toy department. We did but eventually she caught on and now we only have one very SKANKY looking Bunny.
Love the penguins.
Happy Shopping.....I love it when things work out so well.
VERY VERY SMART buying multiples!
We have been to hell and back over my sons misplaced Pikachu.
I love Pottery Barn, you must post your treasures!
That's organized girl!!! Good idea I must say.
One excited mama with less than 24 hours to go!!
Very cute!
Ok...when you get the ipod...give me some ideas of songs to download! I need some new tunes!
What a great idea (rotating the stuffed animals out)- I swear I lack so much common sense! Those penguins are adorable, and I am sure Mia will love EACH of them!
: o )
Thanks for the excellent idea on Multiple stuffed buddies. I never thought of that...hope you don't mind me stealing that idea for myself as well.:)
Never pass up a deal! Thats my motto.
P.S. Abby has 3 of Rubys "Bear" cousins waiting for her and one will definately be going to China with me.
The Penguin triplets/quads look perfect for the job, of "main squeeze". Didn't think about the multiple thing... ARGH!!! Lets hope my soft toys are made for heavy duty wear!
When Emma immediately attached to this one blanket, I went to Babies R Us and bought two more and rotated them. The only problem is, she eventually discovered there were three khakis (as she calls them) and now wants to have all three at the same time. It's funny though...she still has a favorite of the three. She will pick them up one by one and rub this one corner...and somehow she knows which one is her favorite khaki!
Thats a great idea rotating... very smart!!
Glad you are going to treat yourself to the "pod" you deserve it and will be glad you did it.
ooooohhhhh do you know how much I love penguins???!!!
Did you see March of the Penguins?
We bought a Blue's Clues blanket for Lina and took it to China. It is still her favorite 3 1/2 year later. I was so afraid that it would get lost that I bought two more just like it (used even) on ebay. I started rotating them for washing purposes. And we did lose one. Now that she's four, she's discovered my dark secret. She knows that there are two. And she doesn't mind.....but she still asks for it every night.
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