Some folks in bloggerville have issued a dare to post old pics of yourself. Well, it started with kindergarden pics and then went on to prom pics. I have no prom pics and don't feel like digging the other ones out from storage. So this will have to do. My grandmother sent this pic the other day. She'd made these dresses for me and my sister when we were babies. She included a piece of this fabric for Mia's quilt. Can you believe she still had this fabric over 30 years later?! My sister and I are two years apart in age so I'm guessing from the looks of her, I'm not quite 3 in this one. Which means it was probably 1974 or 75. There's no denying that my sister is a natural redhead after seeing this pic. Are we not just the cutest little things in our matching dresses?!
Very Cute!
What a neat piece of fabric that will be for Mia's quilt.
Double adorable.
Love the fabric for the quilt. That is what the quilt is all about.
Keep smilin!
The picture is soooo cute!!
What a great idea for a quilt square!
Awww, nothin cuter than siblings dressed alike!
WOW! What a gift, a piece of the same fabric.
SOoooo cute!!!
Such a very special photo! Thanks for participating. =)
Now that is some kinda cuteness...didn't we look innocent in our kid pics? ;0)
What a great picture! You two are sooo cute!
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