Last Saturday was Tatum's 4th birthday. Originally, the plan was to wait until after the holidays to celebrate her birthday since it falls 2 days before Christmas. So I made plans to go
make cookies with my godchildren on that day. Then like a typical woman whose prerogative it is to change her mind, my sister decided to have a party. Now she said she didn't have a party. She just made a cake with candles, had presents, and invited over me and Grandma. Well, sis.. I think that defines a "party". Click
here to see round one of the birthday. So I was stuck with the dilemma of where to go. Which kid do I disappoint? My godchildren or my niece? In the end, I stuck with the original plan and decided to have my own birthday celebration with Tatum. So she came over last night and we had a slumber party. There were a few tears as soon as Mommy left. Tate's never spent the night here by herself. She usually is part of the package deal with her brothers. So I think she was a little homesick. But as soon as I mentioned presents and cake, it was immediate mood change.

Here she is with her Little Mermaid presents. Below she's getting ready to blow out the candles on her mini-cake. And yes, she made me sing her "Happy Birthday" all by myself. Notice Ariel's arm at the bottom of the pic. I just saw that and had to look twice to figure out what it was.
Take a deep breath, make a wish and blow out the candles!
Later we chilled out in our matching penguin pj's and watched her "Little Mermaid" movie. Griffey was just a bit jealous so he wanted to get in on the attention getting. I tried to snap a pic of us while holding the camera out but kept cutting my head off. But I thought this was a cute pic anyway.
So now we've had our Fruity Pebbles for breakfast at her special request. We're hanging out for a bit and then going to get our nails done. Later tonight, I'm going to pick up the older boys and we're all going to a New Year's Eve party for some of our Single Adoptive Moms group hosted by Kim and Alex. I'm bringing the kids so that Alex has someone his own age to play with. Otherwise, it would be all moms and babies. It should be fun. And it will be an interesting social experiment to see how well kids can play together when they don't speak the same language. (Remember, Kim just came home with 7 yr old Alex from Guatemala 10 days ago.) Right now, Tatum's sitting behind me playing on the floor with some toys. She's talking to herself as she plays and I just heard "Fire in the hole!" WTF? Must have something to do with having 3 brothers.
I hope you all have a Happy New Year! And I hope I survive an entire weekend with children. :)
Happy Birthday, Tatum!
Have a fun and happy new year!
Sounds like a great time and you will survive. Good thing Griff is getting the way paved for Ms. Mia by cute birthday girl, Tatum.
Please say 'hi' to all and let Kim I'm thinking of her and Alex.
Doing the quiet family gig tonight, myself.
Sounds like a great way to spend an evening! You are the best-est Auntie in the world (well, aside from me, of course!:)).
Happy New Year, my friend and here's to more bloggy fun, more penguin-tastic things to share and babies, babies, babies all around!
What a cutie...sounds like she had a wonderful birthday. Have a great time at your New Year's Eve party!
Happy Birthday to Tatum. (What a cutie, by the way) And Happy New Year to you Krista! 2007 is going to be "our" year for least that is what I am praying so hard for.
You are going to be an awesome Mom!! Look at you guys in your matchin PJ's!! Too cute.
Happy New Year to you Krista! Great to get to know you this year. 07 will bring many good things to you!
How cool that you had a private little girl party!!
You are a great aunt and will make a great mom!!
Happy New Years!
Happy New Year,Krista! You are such a rockin' auntie. I can not wait til' my neice is old enough for sleepovers. Fun.
Happy New Year!!
You'll survive your weekend and if you'd like to really test your strength, I can send my 3 boys up for the rest of their Christmas break...hehe!
YEAH!! What a fun night!!!
I hope you survived! LOL
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year, it sounds like a great way to spend new years eve!
Happy New Year!!! I hope 2007 is an amazing year for you!
Fire in the hole! That's hilarious!!!
Happy New Year Krista... Year of the Pig... oink oink!
Happy Birthday Tatum! Love your new toys, and of course, the PJs are way stylin!
Adriana loved looking at the pictures of Tatum and Ariel! Looks like you had a great time together and a very special way to spend a birthday with an Aunt!
Happy New Years
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