Only time will tell how long I'll wait. But I've lost my optimism that there will be some big speed up. I won't see Mia in 2007. It's already March and they still have 2 more months of 2005 to get through. Rough predictions based on this average have me getting a referral late spring or early summer of 2008. Yep you heard me right. I may wait 2 years from my log in date. I know she'll be worth the wait but it doesn't make it any easier. And I really didn't want to travel in summer '08 because of the Olympics in Beijing. But I'll go when they tell me. At least now I have more time to save money for the inflated airfare and hotel prices I'm sure to pay during that time. There's always a bright side. Right?
But in good news congratulations to all the families who are now seeing their daughters for the first time!
It is bittersweet.
Keep smilin!
Not good news, I know. But maybe when they get through the rest of October and November things will speed up some. I hope so! Hang in there.
I am surprised to see any referral with the holiday and all.
This slow boat really needs a paddle, a bucket, SOMETHING!
Originally I thought I would be going to China this year. Now I am HOPING for 2009!!!
I'm sorry you have lost your optimism Krista :( I agree though this is really frustrating. I am REALLY getting tired of hoping for a miracle "next month"!
I'm with you. On everything you just said. It's hard to be positive.
Ugh...just when it looks like things might speed up. Let's hope the CCAA gets its act together and starts referring whole months again soon...
Yup. Had a rough time with things today. But tomorrow's another one....
Funny how I know it's not going to speed up but when the dates actually come in, it's still the same ol' heartbreak. I love how Doris wrote about referral time as being bittersweet.
Bittersweet is EXACTLY what referral day is like! Yeah, I'm convinced that it's not going to happen for us in 2007....I just wish I wouldn't have started telling people (AGAIN) that it would be the end of THIS year...When will I learn?
I'm right there with you, girly!
I'm in a foul mood, this whole wait is just getting old. 11 days worth??? Urrr.....
UGGGGG! I hope they put June LID's in way before the Olympics, I just hope the don't put everything on pause at the CC**( Sorry I thought it and it just came out).
I just wish people would stop saying "...but I thought you said before that the wait was....."
I'm starting to avoid the certain people who I know are going to corner me.! LOL
Urgh... 11 days. PPUUULLLEEEZZE! Lord give me strength.
Amen! They will be worth it... but good lord - why is it takin so damn long?
I will be right there with you during the Olympics! Right now, I just want to get her! So, if that means slogging through thousands of tourists on top of the thousands who already live there, enormous hotel rates, and basically, the firey pits of Hell - I am there. So are you, Mama.
We're in this one together.
I'm in the same boat with ya Krista. Everyone keeps asking.."any news" etc etc etc. I just keep saying, next year sometime which was my answer last year when they were asking. Bummer isn't it!!
There was a rumour somewhere that there were some Oct 31 in there. I could be wonrg...please don't anyone get excited...
Krista, you can't lose your optimism! You were the one holding us together! I think I have safely passed into numb!
ugh. Slower than molasses in January. But, at least they are still moving, and will eventually get to you!!
Hang in there.
Um.....can I offer you some Donkey Balls?
Sorry - I know this sucks bad.
I'm sorry the wait is so long. Hang in there and keep your chin up. To cheer you up- I hear that there's a new penguin movie coming out. Plus Tatum's new Crocs!
Man, this bites!
Congratulations to the families!!!
Only 11 days? Sad- you are keeping the faith though, so proud of you!
I think I was meant to find this blog.
Pewny referrals compounded with having just re-applied for a I600a visa when we didn't even use the first one sucks.....like a hoover.
Krista, I'm sorry your wait will be so long. I think my wait will be shorter, being in the waiting child program, but it is all very uncertain right now. Keep your chin up! - I will try to, also! :)
Krista, I'm sorry your wait will be so long. I think my wait will be shorter, being in the waiting child program, but it is all very uncertain right now. Keep your chin up! - I will try to, also! :)
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