The ladybug magnet came anonymously. I had to check the postmark to see that it came from Salt Lake City, Utah. I only know 2 people there. And I mean "know" as in through bloggerville. Well, I won't give the secret away but someone else did. Hee hee. Click here if you'd like to try to figure it out.
This was a birthday present from the very thoughtful Doris. It came all the way from Canada. It's so adorable.
I'm constantly amazed at the connections we make through this blogger world. I've met so many amazing people both in real life and just through this technology. It's been such an awesome source of support. And makes passing the time a little easier knowing that there are so many others out there in the same slow boat to China. LOL! Thanks again for thinking of me Doris and anonymous person!! You both made me smile.
oooh! I love that ladybug magnet! Need to find me one of those! :)..and cute bib too.
Very cute gifts!
I love pressies through the mail! I recently ordered some gear through Sara Lane's cafepress shop - they came Friday... very exciting!
Nice ladybugs! I got one myself recently!
Oooh, hope I didn't ruin the lbug magnet fun with letting the secret out! I knew who it was from the handwriting, though! =)
Cute bib! Blog friends certainly make this wait somewhat more endurable (is that a word?!)
Great pressies!!
Speaking of presents - did you buy yourself that iPod yet?
ooohhh they are lovely!!!
Nothing can get past the detective in you! Very thoughtful of "anonymous" and I love the bib, got one just like it!
What cute lady bug stuff! Isn't bloggerville neat?
Nice goodies.
I tried to post on the one above this and it won't let me. Just wanted to let you know. It is like no posting is allowed or something.
Now you have a few ladybugs to go with all your penguins!
For some reason I couldn't comment on the post above this one. Sorry about your old friend you ran into... this club does totally suck. My ex wasn't cheating (at times I wish he had been so I could have had reason to hate him)-he just left because he no longer loved me (?) in the way he did when we married. And I have to agree, it would have been easier for me had he died- at least I would have known/believed he died loving me. And he sprung this on me 2 months shy of referral for Gracen, my (our) first daughter.
And I hate being a member of this club, and so often I feel like I'm this statistic, you know? I didn't realize you had been there too.
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