Mia got some new goodies this week so it hasn't been all bad. Check out what
Aunt Carla presented me with on Monday after the pink eye-daycare pick up-unplugged phone catastrophe. Dontcha just love it!! My FAVORITE colors and it has my sweet baby girl's NAME on it! I'm a sucker for personalized things. And I love love love these! The downside is I have to wait awhile for her to wear them cuz they're a 2T size. But it'll give me something to look forward to. Thanks sis! I really love them.

Then today my Secret Pal package came in the mail. My dragging arse perked up when I opened this one. More of my FAVORITE colors!! And her NAME again! Life is good! You done good SP. This is my favorite by far! Couldn't be more perfect for me. Thanks so much. You made my day. And coincidentally, I was just checking out the Gymboree website the other day with plans to buy the Snugglebug tee and the sweet little bathing suit in this line. You and I... in sync baby! I think you must be psychic or something. I can't wait to see who you are. (Even though I voted to keep going with the SP thing longer so guess I'll have to be patient. It's not like I'm not used to waiting! Snort!!)

This is off topic but I wanted to explain for
Stacy that when you sit in your car drinking coffee and eating doughnuts that's called a "stakeout". It's just watching someone and maybe tailing them (that's cop talk for following them around inconspicuously ...wink) . Tomorrow I'll actually be playing a part and working instead of eating doughnuts..... but can't tell ya what. Sorry ...maybe later.
And for those curious commenters, my undercover stripper name is Cherry Bush. (I really hope my dad is not reading today.) Okay I really am just kidding! I'm a little too uh... curvy... to go undercover as a stripper. But I have played a crackhead prostitute before. Seriously. And to make it more believable, I didn't wash my hair for a couple of days, painted on fake bruises with purple eyeshadow, wore the tennies with grass stains that I mow the lawn in, and then rubbed my holey tee shirt in dirt and threw on some food stains, too. I really did. The sad thing is that I got the highest offer that day. Scary, huh?
OMG! Krista, you crack me up! Uh, enjoy your stake out. Break a leg?
Super cute gifts! Your sister and your SP have excellent taste.
Great gifts!
By the way, how much was the offer? Inquiring minds need to know...
Wow!!! I am loving the overalls!!!
Need to catch up on previous post!
Love the gifts!!
Those overalls are way cute!! I love the SP gifts as well! Mia will be one well dressed sweetheart. :)
Crackhead 'ho? That's hilarious! Did you do the tics and scratching like Tyrone Biggens? I am cracking up!
Love the bibs and T, she's gonna be a green and pink cutie patootie.
I love the overalls and the T-Shirt is adorable!
Wow life sounds like CSI! Sounds like fun but I'm sure it isn't always that interesting.
Keep the icing sugar off your upperlip! Just teasing!!!
Ohhhh! Thanks for the clarification CB! Too bad I don't live a little closer I would like to see you off to work dressed as a crackhead prostitute. I am sure you looked 'bad'. :) Good luck undercover today!
LOVE the overalls and t-shirt. Very cute.
That is some cute stuff! Glad to know Mia won't ever be at risk of looking like a crackhead with that wardrobe.
I'm with Rhonda...how much? Hahahaha! Please do describe the interested party too. I just gotta know. Ewww...it was probably my old boyfriend (KIDDING people).
Signed - Candy Knobs
Prostituiton....Pink Polka Dotted Baby Overalls....
Only on the Million Miles Blog.
Love the new goodies!
And I'm jealous--I wanna be a crackhead prostitute!
OK - first of all LOVIN the overalls... second..."Cherry Bush"?? OMG Krista.... as Connie would say... I just pee'd.
Cherry Bush... HAHAHA!!! You crack me up!!! I'm sure all you coppa's sit around and talk about stuff like that, too?!!! I hope you put a little rouge around your nostrils, for that authentic, druggie look?!!
Thanks for explaining... I thought undercover meant you worked just in your underwear!
Gorgeous pressies!!!
(PS... I hope you know I'm kidding about the undercover/underwear comment... we Aussies may be a little backward, but we're not stupid!!!)
Okay, totalllllly loving those gifts... loving the personalization and colors too... way cute.
As for your high offer- hell, I didn't even know what kind of work you did... so I'm going to have to go back and read some old posts or something. And yeah, that is scary (the high offer)!
Dear Cherry Bush...
You crack me up!! Do tell what kind of price you got.
I am LOVIN' the clothes. Mia is a lucky little girl!
If anyone is interested, I found the overalls on Ebay. :o)
You just had to bring the crack head prostitute story back, huh? LOL I still don't know if I believe you actually dressed up like that.
What adorable gifts! I always loved personalized things, too. I guess it comes from growing up with a name like Kerrie and never finding anything with my name on it. I always had personalization envy!
Luv those overalls! I love seeing Miya's name on things too. Girl, you've got some drama in you- when you retire maybe you should take up acting!
Oh my gosh, a crack head prostitute. And to think someone would actually pay for someone who looked like you described. I cannot even imagine. (ewwww)
Great outfits. Love that little shirt !
Those are too cute. In not time your girl will be wearing them.
I can't picture the crackhead outfit. Do you have pictures :).
The overalls and T-shirt are so sweet... How special!
God's Speed to your Mia
What great gifts for Mia...she's a lucky baby already!
Love the overalls and t-shirt! Adorable!! Great colours.
Very cute things!
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