Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Slumber Party Survival

Tess was the only one that didn't spend the night on Sunday. She's breastfeeding and can't be too far from her momma. Plus I think I would've gone completely over the edge if I'd added a newborn into the mix. The other four T's just had me teetering on the brink instead.
These photos were taken when Tess was 16 days old. I'm just throwing them in this post cuz she's so stinkin' cute! And I thought you guys might want a baby fix. :)
After mom and dad dropped the kids off, we went for ice cream. See, I've learned a thing or two in my experiences with them. I hyped them up on sugar BEFORE we went to the park. Not at the end of the excursion only to load them up in the car. It's not a good idea to trap four kids on sugar in a tight confined space. Especially when they can touch each other. That was a huge rookie mistake made in the past. But I've learned from it. I didn't get many pics of the oldest, Tanner. He's at that age of starting to get obnoxious. He doesn't like to have his pic taken anymore. Hence the look on his face when I snapped this one.I let them run off as much energy as possible before we headed back to my house. Here's Travis and Tatum in a rare moment of peace. These two don't mix well. Like oil and water. They have a typical love-hate relationship. Well, mostly hate. Normal sibling interaction, I guess.This is Tatum showing me all her scars, bruises, cuts, scrapes and bug bites. This girl plays just as rough as the boys.Teagan loves trucks. All the cool stuff to play with at the new playground and instead he found a truck to push around. He's a simple man.I have no idea what the meaning of the thing between his teeth is all about.For dinner we ordered pizza. It's a sure fire winner every time. And the only food that all of them will agree on. Then they picked a movie to watch. To my surprise they chose Mulan 2. And the oldest actually chose it. I was shocked. Especially since there were way cooler selections to be had. I made a little bed on the living room floor for the two youngest. The other two took the couches. The little ones were asleep before the movie was over. I should've taken some more pics cuz it was pretty adorable. But at that point, I was just as exhausted and counting the seconds until I could go to bed, too.

Everyone slept well. No problems at all. I was a little worried if Teagan would get through the night because he's never slept at my house before. But not a peep from any of them until almost 9am. Hallelujah! After they woke up and had cereal, they played a little and watched another movie. This time it was Toy Story 2. Again picked by the oldest. I guess he's not as grown up as he tries to lead us to believe.

I took a quick shower while I thought they were all occupied. "Thought" being the key word here. In only 5 minutes of no adult supervision, Teagan managed to come upstairs, find a piece of gum and sneak downstairs without me even knowing it. I only found out because Little Miss Tattletale caught him chewing it. How does a kid sniff out a piece of gum that quick? These are trained professionals here. Then they suckered me into taking them back to the park. Since they were bouncing off the walls, I agreed. It was about 90 degrees outside. They begged to go into the sprinklers. I finally relented even though nobody had a swimsuit. So yes... if you were at the park on Labor Day those were my white trash kids running around shirtless in their jean shorts. LOL! Uh-huh... even the girl. Their momma met us at the park to gather them up. I was glad to see her. I think 24 hours with all four is my limit. That's a lot of work. Kudos to any single moms out there who are managing a household with more than 2 kids. Cuz it's really hard when you're outnumbered. All in all, we survived the sleepover. And even had some fun. But it might be awhile before I do all four at once again. I need to recuperate first.


OziMum said...

hehehe! Its always a good idea to practice parenting on other people's kids... hopefully then, you've got all the good stuff for your own!!! hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Since my sibs now have kids, I've been thinking I'm a pretty cool Aunt, but I have to admit....You are by far the coolest! Great memories - for you, as well as all those little T's. And I'm willing to bet the tired Momma enjoyed the time, too.

Michelle said...

Wow. I am impressed. I don't think I could do four by myself. I'm going up to S.F. to watch her TWO kids alone and I'm already a little scared!

Anonymous said...

I watched my 8 yo niece on Friday night.. It was great fun...We watched 2 Sandlot movies..If your gang has not seen them, they are a MUST see..

Traci in Texas
LID 5/18/06

Briana's Mom said...

You are one brave girl! I am very impressed - sounds like you had a great time!

Love all the pics! Tess is such a beauty!

Marla said...

Very impressive!! Handling 4 is no easy task, especially by yourself, what a cool aunt you are!

Baby Tess is adorable!

Johnny said...

She's not miss tattletale, she's a C.I. dontcha know?

And if you could (legally) teach those kids to make you a Marg, you'd be in-like-flynt.

It is good practice, tho.

t~ said...

I know all about being outnumbered!

Won't you come be my kids auntie?

Kim said...

Looks like you had lots of fun..
LOVE the pictures..
Have a Great Week..

a Tonggu Momma said...

Absolutely nothing is cooler than Mulan 2. Nothing.

(according to the Tongginator, that is)

Daniella said...

Your such a good Aunt :) I used to have my niece and nephew sleep over all the time when I lived in NY and I loved it too - now my niece is 20 and she comes to visit and we watch S*ex and the City - big change from rugrats :) Your crew are all too cute and baby T is adorable.

Donna said...

What a great time...your nieces and nephews have an awesome aunt!

Carla said...

"It's not a good idea to trap four kids on sugar in a tight confined space. Especially when they can touch each other."

Hahaha. So true. I'm wondering when they will invite a large family car that has a space between each seat. Oh wait, that's a school bus. I'm glad the kids had a good time and you still have some hair left. And yes, the tired momma did have a nice break. I got to go out for a steak dinner, and not one, but two mixed drinks! So, yeah, I did nurse my infant at the table while I was drinking them, but they were frou frou drinks, and it takes longer than that to cross breastmilk anyway. :op

~ Alison said...

Looks like a great time!

I'm exhausted & feel outnumbered with one, still not sure how people do it with 4 . . . .

C's Mom said...

Hmmm...so that saying of 'after three it doesn't matter how many there are' isn't true?

I have a patient with nine...yup...and she's young. All of them help with the younger ones and she'll show up in the office with at least six of them at a time. I will say those kids are the most polite and pleasant kids to be around.

I just call her 'supermama'

C said...


I LOVE this POST! Just LOVE it! You know what? I think YOU are one He!! of an Aunt! I can just imagine the type of Mother you are going to be...WOW!