Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Curtains

For anyone who pays attention to my decorating projects, you may have noticed a couple posts ago that I had different curtains in the living room. While I did like the original project, I had grown tired of them. So I asked my mom to make another set. That way I can switch them out from time to time.
This is the original set. I was really a little sad that I wasn't in love with them anymore since I hand beaded that valance...which was a nightmare. Oh well. You live and learn.
Here are the new ones. I luv luv luv them! Two totally different looks to suit my different moods. Thanks again for your sewing skills, mom.


Cheeseboy said...

Very nice. You should host a show on HGTV

Grizzly Bear said...

They both are lovely. Wow you hand beaded the last one. PRETTY crafty :) So jealous. I stink at crafting

Traci said...

So glad you are enjoying the new curtains. Always fun to change things up a bit.

I have to admit that the first set (which I've never paid attention to online before) are pretty awesome too. I like them!!

As we celebrate Jade turning 5, I can't help but think of you and getting so excited for you.

Before long you'll be throwing big birthday bashes at your place.

I smile thinking about it. :)


a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh, I love them. They look like you (cuz - duh - they are PINK). And I've been wandering around my house lately, thinking about redecorating. I mean, for goodness sakes, I have FRUIT wallpaper in my kitchen. Wallpaper! With fruit on it!

kitchu said...

i love how the bright pink really pops. reminds me of you- you have a bright, fun personality.

Kim said...

How fun to have two sets to change out..
I love them both..
Have a great week..

Michal said...

TM I also have fruit wallpaper! A border even!!!

K I LOVE the look of your home. It is so original and awesome. These new curtains rock!